Distant school Cosmic Meteo Tectonics

About Cosmetecor:

We are international team of Cosmetecor with various regional presences and educations across a globe, experienced with unique blend of knowledge and industry expertise. We are connected with each other because Cosmetecor brings safety and this is what we as the team want most of all.

The average age of our team is 30-35, while we do buttress a lack of industry experience in market, we are targeting by a really strong advisory board members who had decades of specific expertise especially we need in financial and social sector.

Main fields of our industry expertise cover near-future rare strong localized earthquake detection, in geophysical measurements, processing data, risk management, business development of decision support systems for businesses.

The Cosmetecor team develops basic and business active consulting to covering the full spectrum of stakeholders’ needs and making use of different modelling techniques and proprietary methods.:

• making informed decisions on complex socio-technical systems and related phenomena.

About Distant school Cosmic Meteo Tectonics

Distant school Cosmic Meteo Tectonics / The First Private Research Center, part of world-wide Service, provides education and consulting on peak power outages, forecasts, warnings and also near-real-time data characterizing the interactions beetween Galaxy cavity, Solar cavity and Earth (magnetosphere, ionosphere, Earth core) through the model of electric circuits.

Respect to:

Rene Descartes idea for solar substance in the Earth depth and dualism of Universe

Dmitri Mendeleev conception for inorganic origin of oil

Vladimir Vernadsky conception for hydrogen migration from the Earth depth to circumterrestrial space

Vladimir Larin proton tectogenesis conception as a result of hydrogen migration in form of proton from the ferrum hydride Earth core into circumterrestrial space

Dmitri Kuznetsov who first developed technique to measure impulses of proton-deuteron-hydroxide ions migration through the division tectonosphere-atmosphere and took in practice the operative (30 days...~0 hours) prediction methods in Kamchatka Prognostic Center 1989...1994 yy

Alexandr A. Vlasov for development of nonlocal statistical mechanics methods; Ilya Prigogine for development of self-organization concept ALAN GOA intellectual group for comprehensive guide to geoprotonic, deutronics and MultiVerse

Cosmetecor Links

ACE RTSW Dynamic Plots

SWPC Instrument Measurements

SolarSoft Latest Events Archive

EMSC: Latest M3+ earthquakes

USGS: Earthquake real-time map

USGS: Global Earthquake Search

Kamchatka's EQ cataloque

Kamchatka's volcanoes cataloque

Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report

SolarSoft Latest Events Archive

Solar & Heliospheric Observatory

CELIAS/SEM sensor: the latest 48 hours of photon data

Two-Hour Averaged Proton Intensity

the latest 48 hours of solar flare activity

WDC for Geomagnetism, Kyoto: Hourly Equatorial Dst Values (REAL-TIME)

the latest 48 hours of solar wind data

SOHO Real Time MPEG Movies


GOES X-ray Flux 5-min data

Satellite Environment Plot

Solar Cycle Progression

POES Energetic Particle Belt Indices

POES Hemispheric Power Index Data

Last 30 Days Daily Solar Data

Last 30 Days Daily Geomagnetic Data

WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction